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Recent publications
Lukas Böhner, Philipp Weitkamp, Thorsten Limböck, Nora Gildemeister, Daniele Fazzi, Manuela Schiek, Ruth Bruker, Dirk Hertel, Roland Schäfer, Klas Lindfors, and Klaus Meerholz , "Influencing optical and charge transport properties by controlling the molecular interactions of merocyanine thin films ", Org. Chem. Front. 12 , 1086 (2025).Roland Schäfer, Lukas Böhner, Manuela Schiek, Dirk Hertel, Klaus Meerholz, and Klas Lindfors, "Strong Light–Matter Interaction of Molecular Aggregates with Two Excitonic Transitions ", ACS Photonics 11 , 111 (2024). Khan Lê, Florian von Toperczer, Feray Ünlü, Gopinath Paramasivam, Florian Mathies, Edgar Nandayapa, Emil J. W. List-Kratochvil, Thomas Fischer, Klas Lindfors, and Sanjay Mathur, "Electrospun Electroluminescent CsPbBr3 Fibers as Flexible Perovskite Networks for Light-Emitting Application ", Advanced Engineering Materials 2201651 (2023). Boris V. Senkovskiy, Alexey V. Nenashev, Seyed K. Alavi, Yannic Falke, Martin Hell, Pantelis Bampoulis, Dmitry V. Rybkovskiy, Dmitry Yu. Usachov, Alexander V. Fedorov, Alexander I. Chernov, Florian Gebhard, Klaus Meerholz, Dirk Hertel, Masashi Arita, Taichi Okuda, Koji Miyamoto, Kenya Shimada, Felix R. Fischer, Thomas Michely, Sergei D. Baranovskii, Klas Lindfors, Thomas Szkopek, and Alexander Grüneis, "Tunneling current modulation in atomically precise graphene nanoribbon heterojunctions ", Nature Communications 12 , 2542 (2021). Seyed Khalil Alavi, Boris V. Senkovskiy, Dirk Hertel, Danny Haberer, Yoichi Ando, Klaus Meerholz, Felix R. Fischer, Alexander Grüneis, and Klas Lindfors, "Photodetection Using Atomically Precise Graphene Nanoribbons ", ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 3 , 8343–8351 (2020). Mo Lu, Markus Pfeiffer, Boris V Senkovskiy, Danny Haberer, Dirk Hertel, Klaus Meerholz, Felix R Fischer, Yoichi Ando, Alexander Grüneis, and Klas Lindfors, "Probing the origin of photoluminescence blinking in graphene nanoribbons: Influence of plasmonic field enhancement ", 2D Materials 7 , 045009 (2020). Seyed Khalil Alavi, Boris V. Senkovskiy, Markus Pfeiffer, Danny Haberer, Felix R. Fischer, Alexander Grüneis, and Klas Lindfors, "Probing the origin of photoluminescence brightening in graphene nanoribbons ", 2D Materials 6 , 035009 (2019). Ling Xin, Mo Lu, Steffen Both, Markus Pfeiffer, Maximilian J. Urban, Chao Zhou, Hao Yan, Thomas Weiss, Na Liu, and Klas Lindfors, "Watching a Single Fluorophore Molecule Walk into a Plasmonic Hotspot ", ACS Photonics 6 , 985 (2019). ACS Editors' Choice Markus Pfeiffer, Boris V. Senkovskiy, Danny Haberer, Felix R. Fischer, Fan Yang, Klaus Meerholz, Yoichi Ando, Alexander Grüneis, and Klas Lindfors, "Observation of Room-Temperature Photoluminescence Blinking in Armchair-Edge Graphene Nanoribbons ", Nano Letters 18 , 7038 (2018). Markus Pfeiffer, Boris V. Senkovskiy, Danny Haberer, Felix R. Fischer, Fan Yang, Klaus Meerholz, Yoichi Ando, Alexander Grüneis, and Klas Lindfors, "Enhanced light-matter interaction of aligned armchair graphene nano ribbons using arrays of plasmonic nanoantennas ", 2D Materials 5 , 045006 (2018). Maximilian J. Urban, Steffen Both, Chao Zhou, Anton Kuzyk, Klas Lindfors, Thomas Weiss, and Na Liu, "Gold nanocrystal-mediated sliding of doublet DNA origami filaments ", Nature Communications 9 , 1454 (2018) Markus Pfeiffer, Paola Atkinson, Armando Rastelli, Oliver G. Schmidt, Harald Giessen, Markus Lippitz,and Klas Lindfors, "coupling a single sold-state quantum emitter to an array of resonant plasmonic antennas ", Scientific Reports 8 , 3415 (2018). X. Wu, P. Jiang, Y. Huo, H. Zhang, M. Kamp, A. Rastelli, O. G. Schmidt, B. Hecht, K. Lindfors, and M. Lippitz, “On-Chip Single-Plasmon Nanocircuit Drive by a Self-Assembled Quantum Dot ”, Nano Letters 17 , 4291 (2017). B. V. Senkovskiy, M. Pfeiffer, S. K. Alavi, A. Bliesener, J. Zhu, S. Michel, A. V. Fedorov, R. German, D. Hertel, D. Haberer, L. Petaccia, F. R. Fischer, K. Meerholz, P. H. M. van Loosdrecht, K. Lindfors, and A. Grüneis, “Making Graphene Nanoribbons Photoluminescent ”, Nano Letters 17 , 4291 (2017). Serene Bayram, Klas Lindfors, and Amy Blum, “Tunable longitudinal modes in extended silver nanoparticle assemblies ”, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 7 , 1219 (2016). Klas Lindfors, Daniel Dregely, Markus Lippitz, Nader Engheta, Michael Totzeck, and Harald Giessen, "Imaging and Steering Unidirectional Emission from Nanoantenna Array Metasurfaces ", ACS Photonics 3 , 286 (2016). Andriy Shevchenko, Ville Kivijärvi, Patrick Grahn, Matti Kaivola, and Klas Lindfors, "Bifacial Metasurface with Quadrupole Optical Response", Phys. Rev. Applied 4 , 024019 (2015). Hongyi Zhang, Yongheng Huo, Klas Lindfors, Yonghai Chen, Oliver G. Schmidt, Armando Rastelli, and Markus Lippitz, "Narrow-line self-assembled GaAs quantum dots for plasmonics" , Appl. Phys. Lett. 106 , 101110 (2015). Daniel Dregely, Klas Lindfors, Markus Lippitz, Nader Engheta, Michael Totzeck, and Harald Giessen, "Imaging and steering an optical wireless nanoantenna link ", Nature Communications 5 , 4354 (2014). Mikko J. Huttunen, Klas Lindfors, Domenico Andriano, Jouni Mäkitalo, Godofredo Bautista, Markus Lippitz, and Martti Kauranen, "Three-dimensional winged nanocone optical antennas ", Optics Letters 39 , 3686-3689 (2014). Markus Pfeiffer, Klas Lindfors, Hongyi Zhang, Bernhard Fenk, Fritz Phillipp, Paola Atkinson, Armando Rastelli, Oliver G. Schmidt, Harald Giessen, and Markus Lippitz, "Eleven Nanometer Alignment Precision of a Plasmonic Nanoantenna with a Self-Assembled GaAs Quantum Dot ", Nano Letters 14 , 197-201 (2014). R. Khakimov, A. Shevchenko, A. Havukainen, K. Lindfors, M. Kaivola, “Trapping colloidal dielectric microparticles with overlapping evanescent optical waves ”, Opt. Comm. 285 , 4571 – 4578 (2012). D. Dregely, K. Lindfors, J. Dorfmuller, M. Hentschel, M. Becker, J. Wrachtrup, M. Lippitz, R. Vogelgesang, and H. Giessen, “Plasmonic antennas, positioning, and coupling of individual quantum systems ”, phys. stat. sol. (b) 249 , 666 – 677 (2012). M. Pfeiffer, K. Lindfors, P. Atkinson, A. Rastelli, O. G. Schmidt, H. Giessen, M. Lippitz, “Positioning plasmonic nanostructures on single quantum emitters ”, phys. stat. sol. (b) 249 , 678 – 686 (2012). M. Pfeiffer, K. Lindfors, C. Wolpert, P. Atkinson, M. Benyoucef, A. Rastelli, O. G. Schmidt, H. Giessen, and M. Lippitz, “Enhancing the optical excitation efficiency of a single self-assembled quantum dot with a plasmonic nanoantenna ”, Nano Letters 10 , 4555 – 4558 (2010).